How to build a strong core, whether you’re postpartum, haven’t had kids yet, and/or even just on a new fitness journey than these can help you. Weak core muscle can lead to more fatigue and injuries. Having string core muscles can help with back pain, posture, and even stability. Your core supports the rest of your body, it helps your limbs to move without your body collapsing. If you have been diagnosed with diastasis recti then it is best to consult your physician before any physical activity is done.
If you are pregnant, you can still do these exercises and modify them as needed. Having a strong core helps with laboring and most importantly delivering the baby. This will also help you in your recovery. Having a weak core works against you when you’re ready to push your baby out. In the pushing phase of labor, you want to able to draw in the deep transversus abdominis and relax the pelvic floor to allow your baby to be let out.
If you’re postpartum and looking to heal your core and get it stronger than these are also for you. If you have diastasis recti then you probably need to work on slow more controlled breath work as well to heal your abdominal wall separation. When you sneeze or cough and your body let out urine this is normally caused by diastasis recti. It is not normal to be letting out urine uncontrollably but is a sign of a weak pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.
For each exercise the goal is to accomplish 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. If you’re lying on your back also have your hands on your core to help great that mind muscle connection.
- Bird Dog
Starting on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees aligned with hips. You’ll reach one leg up and outward so its aligned with your back. Simultaneously you’ll be reaching the opposite arm straight out in front of you. The leg and arm traveling at the same time together. Then return both to starting positions and switch to the next side.
- Toe Taps
Lying on your back with your knees bent. Brace your core and let your back be completely flat on the floor. Bring both legs into a tabletop position and slowly lower one foot at a time to the ground allowing the toe to tap the for and then bring it back up and repat on the other side.
- Lying Heel Slide Out
Lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Take your hands and place them on your stomach. Inhale with your stomach expecting and exhale with your rib cage coming in. One the exhale, take your right heel and slide out and come back in with your leg while holding that exhale position.
- Dead Bug
Lying on your back arms going straight over the head and knees are bent in tabletop. Right arm goes down with left leg. Go down as far as you can without coning or you’re back coming off the ground.
- V Sit Alternating Leg Extension
Sitting up with your hands resting behind you for stability. Your legs bent and feet flat on the floor push your leg straight out and bring your leg up to your chest while your leg stays straight.